Category Archives: My Journey

What’s in a name?

Well, there’s lots in a name. So much of our identity and stories and life is in it. So much attached to our name. So many memories, beliefs and perceptions attached to it.

My dad went through a lot of hard work to name me Dharti. He wanted to make sure the name had a meaning. It would be something I would aspire to live up to. It had to rhyme well with my last name. It had to look good when written down. The signature had to look good. And it had to be unique. Phew. He made a long list and kept narrowing it down to decide onto this unique name Dharti. A name I loved a lot, was unique and always complimented on. Dharti means Earth. I had to live up  to the name. Mother earth – caring, nurturing, loving, giving, someone with a big heart, easily forgiving, not asking anything in return… you get the point. I have never met anyone with the same name. I might want to add that it made me feel proud.

Fast forward to when I moved to London and the westerners could not pronounce it. ‘Dh’ does not exist in English the way it is pronounced in my local language. Sigh. I was called Dahaartee, Dorothy, Dirty. That’s where I drew the line. I decided to call myself D. Just D. Simple, easy, no fuss. Some people argued that I shouldn’t have to change my name just because the white people can’t pronounce it. It wasn’t a big deal for me.

3 months after moving to London, I joined Frontier Trainings as a participant. Learning business skills and stage skills. I went on stage and introduced myself to the room – Hello Everyone, my name is D. Clinton immediately responded, “What the hell is D?” Sigh. I was like long story short – My name is Dharti. No one can pronounce it. So I am calling myself D. He said, “Understand. Now I want you to give yourself a name. You will be travelling the world, known by many and you will leave a legacy in this world. So what would you like to be known as?” Me: You mean right now? Clinton: Yes, right now. Me: Really?!? phew.. ummmm.. D.. D… D… how about Princess D? Clinton: Great. Thats your name. And voilà, that’s how the name was born.

A lot of my transformation began during the same time, around 9 years ago. Slowly I fell in love with my new name. I can’t even recognise the person I was all those years ago and my new beingness, my new identity is attached with this new name. I am no longer the person I was when I was called Dharti.

In India when you go to a spiritual teacher, lots of times they give you a new name. Your spiritual name. The name does not have any baggage attached to it, unlike your name. It is virgin, fresh and you have a choice to create yourself anew on the spiritual path. My given spiritual name is Ma Prem Nihaarika (Nebula/Galaxy of Love). And Princess D felt just like the new virgin vessel given to me that I could fill with what I wanted. As much as I love the name Dharti, my new identity is attached to Princess D.

I always wanted to change my last name to Love. Obviously my ex-husband thought I was crazy and that he would never change his last name just so we could be Mr and Mrs Love. Lol.

This year I made a decision to legally change my name to Princess D, last name – Love. Colleagues call me Princess D or Ms Love and it is so sweet to the ears. I can’t wait to get it changed on my passport and other documents. As much as I understand that life is just an illusion and all these games won’t last long, I want my game to last on my terms for however long it lasts.

Yours Legally

Ms Love 😛