Love notes – Part 4

28th july 2015

I am drunk, drunk on love. She walks in the door and I lose it. She walks in and I am at a loss of words. I just look and keep looking. I smile. She has the ability to make me speechless. After all these years she can still do that. And no, it’s not the make-up, she could do that when she looks totally raw. And no, it’s not the clothes; she looks just as sexy in her pjs. And no, it’s not the hair. I have seen heads turn when she walks on the street. But it’s not that either. There is something deeper that I feel when I see her. She is like a breath of fresh air on a hot day, she is like a parachute when I jump and can’t stay, she is like sunshine after the rains, she is the balm that soothes my pains, she calms my storms and holds me tight, she breaks the walls and brings me light, she rests my mind and nurtures my soul, she puts me together and makes me whole. She is all of that and more. And that’s not it either. It’s just how she makes life come alive and makes it worth living by being LOVE…

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