Monthly Archives: May 2016

Holding Hands

There is something unbelievably strong about holding hands. Like the world around you could fall apart and everything you know as life could be destroyed but the hand that holds yours gives you hope and faith that it will still be ok. We could get through this. That hand leds you to believe that it’s not over yet, that even though you’ve lost it all, you really haven’t lost all of it. Holding hands can be lifesaving in moments of disaster and a breath of relief in stressful situations. I love holding hands. It means so much more than touch, it means diving into someone’s heart and kissing it in places it has never been kissed. It means so much more than just intertwined fingers, it means that our lives are so deeply connected that it would be difficult to separate us. It means so much more than holding of a hand, it means holding the person in a gentle embrace, holding their dreams in the palm of your hand, holding their soul in a bubble of love. Oh I love holding hands!!