Monthly Archives: May 2016


When you apply foundation on your pretty face, I dream of the foundations you could lay for our future. How you smooth it out with the sponge, how carefully you make sure it’s all even. How you apply the eye shadow in various colors and I can see how you could make my life as colourful. The perfect eyeliner goes on and I dream of the perfect turns our life could take to reach the end of that rainbow. The blush makes me think of all the sunrises and sunsets we could spend together for the rest of our lives. The red lipstick tells me how intense our relationship could be and how there would be fire and passion in our lives forever. You look like an angel who could bless me with love. You look into my eyes and decide to wipe off the makeup to snap me out of my delusion… only to watch me fall in love again… with the real you…