Daily Archives: May 25, 2016

Sunsets and You

Each sunset reminds me of the promises that couldn’t be fulfilled, of the heartache that seems to never heal, of the hope that died an unexpected death.

Each sunset reminds me that we weren’t meant to be. It reminds me that everything that begins has to end, sometimes unwillingly.

It reminds me of the hand that I will never hold, of the lips that I will never kiss, of the skin that I will never touch. It reminds me of the walks on the beach, the hugs in the sun and conversations under the moon.

It reminds me of all the times you said, ‘I Love you’. It reminds me of all the times we made passionate love.

It reminds me of how we behaved like teenage kids. It reminds me of how much we longed to see each other. It reminds me of all the risks we took to be with each other.

It reminds me of sleepless nights and late night texts. It reminds me of how life was always in the twilight zone. It reminds me of the never-ending desires.

Each sunset reminds me of the patience to wait for each other and the courage to say goodbyes. Each sunset reminds me of the tears that were shed and the laughs that were shared.

Each sunset reminds me of all that love was meant to be.

Each sunset reminds me of You.

.…… And then the night arrives and it starts all over again!!!