Love Notes – Part 3

17th July

Love is like life in colour and 5D. It’s like life was in 2D, black and white and dull and suddenly it’s all breathtaking. Mornings are more beautiful and evenings are brighter. Afternoons are like colourful rainbows and nights all glittery. Cheeks are pinker and skies bluer. We experience everything deeply. Food tastes so much better and you’ve never seen flowers so pretty. The world seems to be such a wonderful place to live. There is more gratitude in our hearts and more kindness in our actions. The smallest of things make us smile and the biggest problems are a piece of cake. Joy seems to overflow and we spread happiness as we go. It’s like reading a captivating novel and not wanting to stop reading till you are done. Love makes every moment worth living and gives us the courage to live life in such a way that we have no regrets when dying.

18th July

I recommend falling in love.. atleast once. The kind of love where you give your heart and soul. The kind where you totally surrender. The kind where you let it take over. The kind thats beautiful and messy all at the same time. The kind where you let your heart guide you. The kind where having love seems enough to live for. The kind that can make you do unbelievable things. The kind that drives you crazy. The kind that gives you a peaceful sleep at night. The kind that also makes you sleepless. The kind that is risky. The kind where you become fearless. The kind that gives you courage. The kind where you feel powerful. The kind that makes life seem magical. The kind that lifts your soul. The kind that brings heaven on earth. The kind that makes everything worth it. The kind where theres only room for love…

21st July

I want to be everything that you expected me to be.. and more. I want to be your unexpressed feelings, your unsaid words, your unwritten messages… I want to be your caring mother who makes sure you eat and drink well, your loving sister who looks out for you and remains your partner in crime, your sweet daughter who plays and laughs with you. And I want to be your friend who you can turn to anytime knowing that she will be there. I want to be your lover who loves you fearlessly, tirelessly and fiercely. I want to see you naked, not only in body but in mind and soul. I want to know who you truly are. I want to see you vulnerable. I want to watch you drop all masks and pretences that you may have to put up in the world outside. I want to see you cry when it hurts. I want to hear you say that you need me sometimes. I want to know about all the sins you’ve committed, all the hearts you’ve broken, all the confessions that you never made. And I promise, that I will be there to love the naked you, to hold the vulnerable you, to wipe every tear, to accept all your confessions… and still love you fearlessly, tirelessly and fiercely.

22nd July

Here I am. I love to brush together. I know you like to brush before sleeping as well. I love to touch the ends of our brushes when they are in our mouths to pretend that the brushes are kissing since we can’t at that point. I love to cook together. I love to eat in the same plate. I love to watch you eat. I love to watch you get dressed. I love your rituals. I love to watch you when you exercise or run. I love to see how you pull your tummy in when you look in the mirror just to make me smile. I love to see the joy on your face when I cook or buy food that you love. I love to watch you when you read. And you love to read a lot. I love to look at you when you sleep, when you smile in your dreams, when you wake up. I love to watch you closely to see every wrinkle on your skin and every hair that you missed while shaving. I love to touch you and know how every part of your body feels like. I love to watch you sing and dance. I love to look at the faces you make. I love how hot you look with your sunglasses on. I love to watch you talking to other girls and see how impressed they are with you. I love to see you provide solutions to people. I love to watch you pour your wisdom even when I am not listening. I just love to watch you!! I am a promise that your life will not go unnoticed. That I will be the witness… of your grand, beautiful, magical life!!!

24th July

Love is beautiful. Love changes you. Love transforms your world. Love knows no boundaries. Love brings joy. Love creates love. Love gives hope. Love instils faith. Love burns fears. Love destroys insecurities. Love gives strength. Love brings courage. Love leads. Love follows. Love excites. Love unites. Love connects. Love holds. Love supports. Love forgives. Love inspires. Love persists. Love beautifies. Love shines. Love humbles. Love shares. Love relieves. Love saves. Love releases. Love knows. Love helps. Love works. Love stays. Love wins. Love heals. Love purifies. Love enriches. Love enlightens. Love is irresistible. Love is bliss. Love is precious. Love is sacred. Love is holy. Love is divine. Love is magic. Love is prayer. Love is the essence. Love is the answer. Share love, spread love, give love, be love!!

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