Daily Archives: July 13, 2015

Love notes – Part 1

6th July

There are days when life feels like a miracle, where everything feels magical, where you think anything is possible and the possiblities are endless, where the smiles don’t stop, where life is beautiful as is, where every incident is a gift, where every person is an angel, where you are ready to let go of all that doesn’t serve you, where the future looks all sunshine, where you feel powerful to do all that you want, where you feel content in who you are, where your fears can’t haunt you, where nothing could take your ecstasy away, where you feel one with everything and everyone, where you are love, where words fall short to describe how it feels, where there is only knowing…

7th July

Lets play the game of Love baby… where love is all that matters, where you matter to me and I matter to you, where what anybody says makes no difference, where what anybody does makes no difference, where fear has no place and insecurities melt down, where walls come down and souls connect, where its sunshine and rainbows, where theres always time for each other, where the joy of being together never fades, where distances only make love stronger, where life seems one big beautiful fairytale, where we make life memorable, one day at a time… Lets play the game of Love baby!!!

8th July

You know those lazy mornings when I open my eyes and find myself right next to you, I look at you still sleeping and I wonder how I got this lucky. You wake up and the first thing you do is pull me closer. It’s amazing to feel loved by someone whom you love so much. It’s just magical. How the morning breathe doesn’t seem to affect how we feel about each other and how the we look is so secondary… Just the feeling of being close and feeling the love, truly savouring every moment like it could be our last, and breathing in the presence of all that is between us is oh so divine.

9th July

I never promised you that I will love you forever. I remember doing that to someone else and it didn’t quite last. I’ve learnt my lesson. I don’t need to promise anything. All I have to do is love you now and love you will all my heart. I love doing that every single day. You make it so so easy for me to do that. It’s beautiful. And in those moments we live, we truly live. Like the meaning of life, the essence of living comes down to those moments of love and there are so many. Oh how much I love to love you!!!

10th July

I am your earth and you are my sky. You give me full moons and starry nights. You give me my sunshine and rainbows when I most need them. I look at you and realise how small my fears and challenges are. You envelope me in love. I am surrounded by you wherever I go. I look into you and dream. I look into you and smile. I look into you and get lost in your vastness. You give me space, to spread my wings and fly and soar and feel the joy of reaching new heights. I am your earth and you are my sky!!