Daily Archives: July 13, 2015

Love Notes – Part 2

11th July

I am a talker, you are a listener. I react, you respond. I am emotional, you are practical. I plan and you execute. You see the big picture and I manage the details. I am a dreamer and you are grounded. I am masculine and you are feminine. I am fire and you are water. I love how we complement each other totally. I love how I can have a bad day and cry in your arms and find peace there. I love how you let me express all my emotions and create the space for me to let go. I love how you allow me to be myself and not feel guilty about it. I love how you let me be a gypsy soul even though you’d rather have me by your side all the time. I love how you allow me to create myself from my experiences. I love how you let me grow and blossom in my own way. I love how you respect my journey in this lifetime. I love you for letting me be who I am and not wanting to change me. I love you for loving me for who I was and who I have become.

12th July

Love is the foundation. Love is the beginning. Love it what allows the framework of the relationship to stand tall. Sex is an expression of that love. The undeniable love can be expressed in so many acts and in so many forms in everyday life. Then there is a point where this overflowing love expresses itself through the touch to experience something that cannot be touched. The kisses and hugs and intimacy and lovemaking take you to the point where you become love and that is the beauty of it. The act of love, the verb love makes you experience the noun love. When the identity melts and all that remains is what is, that is what love is all about. Love takes you on a journey and stands you in front of a mirror and allows you to experience who you are, who you truly are.

13th July

It’s the small things honey… It’s when you look back every few mins when we go out for a run to see if I am ok.. It’s when you walk into a room full of people and your eyes search for me.. It’s when you change the shower settings, to how I like it, after you shower.. It’s when you get home a take away when you know I’ve had a long day.. It’s when you talk to someone at a party and look at me in between and that look sometimes means you’d rather have me by your side, sometimes that I am looking gorgeous, sometimes that you are missing me.. It’s when you look at me and smile knowingly because you know what I am thinking.. It’s when you chop the veggies when I am cooking.. It’s when you get a tissue for me when I am chopping onions.. It’s when you keep track of my chocolate stack and refill when needed.. It’s when you put my favourite music on to make me smile.. It’s when you know exactly that I need a hug.. It’s when you crack your silly jokes and we laugh till we cry.. It’s when you carry a bottle of water on our drives knowing that I will forget it.. It’s when you show your love in all the tiny everyday things that make me fall in love again.. It’s the small things honey!!!

14th July

When you love someone so much that words become superfluous and all you do is hold their hands and cry honest tears in appreciation of who they are and what they mean in your life and feel blessed.

15th July

Love is… thinking about them all the time. Love is… smiling everytime you think about them. Love is… having conversations with them in your head. Love is… waiting to see them. Love is… asking them about their day. Love is… sending love you messages out of the blue. Love is… texting during lunch hours. Love is… texting during non-lunch hours. Love is… being able to surprise them even after years. Love is… being up with them so they can finish their work. Love is… wanting to hold hands all the time. Love is… unexpected kisses. Love is… never getting tired of looking at them. Love is… when their voice sounds like a sweet melody. Love is… watching them and smiling instead of listening to what they are saying. Love is… they allowing you to heat up your cold hands and feet against their body. Love is… secretly flirting with them in public. Love is… drawing hearts on foggy mirrors after shower. Love is… they letting you wipe your nose with their t-shirt sleeve. Love is… being illogical, impractical and crazy. Love is… amazing, beautiful and wonderful.